Seattle Commercial pest exterminators specialize in several Commercial rodent control services , including rat removal and mouse control , rodent damage control, rodent management , rodent prevention , residential and commercial rodent control . Our certified Commercial pest control specialists and pest exterminator operators are trained with the most advanced rodent control techniques, ranging from rodent control through trapping to rodent damage repair and rodent prevention Commercial Office. HOW TO IDENTIFY RATS-Types of Rats: Common Rat Species Found in Homes
The most commonly found rat pest in seattle metro king county area is the Norway rat. Norway rats, sometimes called brown or sewer rats, are identifiable by their stocky, gray-brown bodies. Their tails are shorter than their body length and their ears and eyes are small relative to their body. Norway rats are larger than most other rat species. They burrow in gardens and fields, as well as beneath building foundations, trash or woodpiles. Norway rats line their nests with fibrous materials, such as shredded paper and cloth. These rats tend to inhabit the lower levels of buildings.
Roof rats, sometimes called black rats, are superb climbers that tend to nest above ground. In the wild, roof rats inhabit shrubs, trees and dense vegetation. In domestic environments, they seek out secure, elevated places such as attics, walls, sheetrock ceilings and cabinets. They may enter homes through trees close to windows or eaves.
Rats have caused more human suffering and more economic damage than any other vertebrate pest. From causing plague epidemics to rat-bite fever, whether feeding on stored grain or gnawing electric wires, rats are enemies of humankind. Statisticians estimate that rats destroy 20 percent of the world's food supply every year by feeding, and indirectly through contamination.
In most instances, rats are very wary. Hundreds may be nesting in a city block-in underground burrows, in sewers, on roofs, inside buildings-with few people in the area realizing it. Within a population, some rats will be easy to control, some difficult.
Store human and animal food in rat-proof buildings, rooms, or containers. Old World rats are very capable of chewing through heavy-duty plastic garbage cans when they can get started chewing on a corner or the lid or a handle. Use metal garbage cans where this is a problem.
Prevent raccoons and other animals from making garbage available. Keep your garbage-can lid on tight by securing it with rope, chain, bungee cords, or weights. Better yet, buy garbage cans with clamps or other mechanisms that hold lids on. To prevent tipping, secure side handles to metal or wooden stakes driven into the ground. Or keep your cans in tight-fitting bins, a shed, or a garage. Put garbage cans out for pickup in the morning, after raccoons have returned to their resting areas.
Prevent access to fruit and compost. Don't put food of any kind in open compost piles; instead use a rat-proof composter or a covered worm box. If burying food scraps, cover them with at least 8 inches of soil and don't leave any garbage above ground in the area—including a smelly shovel. Keep all open or lightly covered compost piles the consistency of a wrung out sponge to make them unfavorable to nesting rats.
Pick up fruit that falls to the ground. Don't allow garden produce to rot on the vine. Compost it, or rototill or dig it into the soil.
Feed dogs or cats inside and clean up droppings. One of the most common attractants around homes is pet food. The strong smell attracts rats from a distance. Once they get a taste of these nutritious foods they will try to feed there daily. If you must feed pets outside, pick up food and water bowls, as well as leftovers and spilled food, before dark. Also, clean up pet droppings—rats can subsist on a diet of droppings.
Prevent access to bird feed and feeders. Pet food and birdseed are the two items that attract the most rats around buildings. Once rats get a taste of these nutritious foods they will try to feed there daily. Place baffles above and below feeders to prevent rats from gaining access to feeder foods (Fig. 5). Rats are attracted to the smell of seed hulls, so rake up the shells or offer birds hulled sunflower seeds (also known as sunflower hearts or chips). For more information on feeder management, see "Tree Squirrels."
Eliminate access to water. Fix leaky outdoor faucets and, where practical, eliminate access to other sources of ground water.
Successful long-term rat control is not simple. The key is to control rat populations, not individual rats. Rat control requires an integrated approach that includes non-lethal tools such as careful inspections, upgraded sanitation, and rat-proofing structures. Lethal control often combines the use of rodenticides with non-toxic control measures such as snap traps or glue boards.
These are often under a building foundation or a concrete slab which provides a sturdy roof and prevents collapse of the tunnel. They are experts at benefiting from man-made structures. For example, in many cases, the dirt under a sewer line will settle creating a natural burrow under the pipe. Norway rats will follow these and gain access through the foundation wall into a crawl space because the hole in the foundation can be larger than the pipe. They love our crawl spaces, especially in the winter because they can get up in the insulation or even nest on top of heater ducts to stay warm and dry. Norway rats also nest in buildings, unused vehicles, woodpiles, discarded furniture, and other sheltered locations near food and water.
Pest Control's exclusion service prevents rodents from entering your home instead of controlling them after they are already inside. The service is environmentally friendly for you and your family. Exclusions are performed with the best materials to ensure rats, mice, raccoons, or any other animal cannot chew their way into your home or place of business.
RAT DISEASE AND PROFESSIONAL RAT REMOVAL Rat Bite Fever & Other Diseases from Rats Rat Bites: Dangers, Symptoms & Prevention
Rats are responsible for the spread of many diseases. Sometimes they transmit the disease directly by contaminating food with their urine or feces. Sometimes they transmit disease indirectly, for example, when fleas first bite an infected rat, then a person. Some of the more important diseases associated with rats include Rat-Bite Fever and Leptospirosis. These diseases often share similar symptoms, and medical professionals must perform the proper diagnoses.
RAT SPECIALISTS Rat Traps & Baits for Effective Control of Rats
Rat control technicians are properly trained in how to get rid of rats and the elimination of rat problems using a variety of rat control techniques. These techniques include improving sanitation for the affected location, eliminating hiding places, exclusion and may also include lethal methods such as traps and rodenticides. Killing the rats may not be the best answer. Ampm pest control wildlife professionals may not show you how to kill the rats but instead use rat repellents, rat fumigants and rat trapping systems to ensure the effectiveness of the rat control method, without physically harming the rats.
d protect residents by properly sanitizing affected areas.The Rat Maintenance Service starts after your initial service is completed. Our innovative rat service program was specifically designed for controlling and exterminating rats in Seattle washington. Ampm pest control service specialist will come as many times as it takes to keep the rats gone from your property. The service will stop the surrounding rats from entering your property.Rats can create an astonishing amount of damage and contamination in a short period of time. Unsanitary rat feces, urine, carcasses and other waste pose a health hazard. We remove the rodent droppings and other disgusting filth. Removing the contamination reduces the hazardous waste and removes the pheromone scent trail left behind.
Published by Ampm Exterminators. #pest control seattle #seattle pest control reviews #getting rid of mice #rodent exterminator #mouse